Listen to the Calling of Your Resurrection

you search for a home cycling between the death of perspective and the murder of emotion rapt and crying, lying on the mirror of hope endless grasping for what would bring it all down, release you into something more, so you seek this: the chimera of stability spray...

Hanging with God

I’m hanging myself and every time I talk to God the rope gets a little tighter burning only when I resist… jumping up and down on this chair, waiting for it to crack, we share a good laugh, at just how wobbly it all is. If done right, I’ll bleed out...

The Pregnant Unknown

The Pregnant Unknown trails softly behind us: Love’s secret voice whispering, even begging us to surrender hesitancy, that precarious net new lovers hold while wading barefoot in shallow waters… …this tide gently pulls us further, Love offers us the...

No More Fighting

I was fighting a battle not even God could conquer when I heard a whisper: “No more fighting”… I dropped my sword and found myself suddenly staring at a kiss print in a mirror, Hallelujah! All the blood I’ve shed from self-inflicted wounds came...